Sunday, June 25, 2006

Superparamagnetic Particle

I want to run
I want to hide
I want to tear down the walls
That hold me inside
I want to reach out
And touch the flame
Where the streets have no name
- U2

I've been feeling a lot like this lately. Not satisifed with who and where I am.

run - How great would it be to have the power of the Lord come apon you, like with Elijah out running Ahab in his chariot. To know that God is with you, supporting you with heavenly power to do the tasks he sets before you. To feel the wind in your face as you run at speed, passing by the others in the race, doing so with ease, and grace.

hide -
The tasks, the ideas, I see before me can be scarey, feel ominous, cause my heart to skip a beat in expectation. Jonah ran and hid, until he was stripped of everything, fearing the job he was asked to do. But even deep under the sea in the belly of a whale he could not hide. God sees us wherever we are hiding, physically, emotionally. He continues to guide me, through and out of the fear and hesitation that binds me.

tear down the walls -
We surround ourselves walls, fearful of others and the outside world. We like our routine, our comfort zones, and resist when someone seeks to explore or reach further inside. Once something hidden is revealed, power moves into anothers hands, trust is born and betrayal lurks just around the corner. Equally is the difficulty in reaching past the walls of others. Like Joshua we may march round and round the Jericho with no way in. Battles can ensue, people can get hurt, often the breaching is where the most dammage is done. Far better to negotiate the opening of a gate. Almost time for me to open a gate.

reach out -
I see the cold dark shadows of those that drift before me, in the night, in the corners, in the quiet, in the scream. Would Heaven be so bright that those looking down might be blinded from above? It is not satisfaction enough to hold the truth in my hands. Still I will feel lonely, greedy, useless, 'do not conceal your love and your truth'. The Truth is a gift that must be passed on.

touch the flame -
There is no joy as great as that of: the looking into another's eyes and seeing the awakening, the flicker of the flame. It will mesmerise the one who struck the match. It is a flame that can be touched, as Thomas touched the wound wound in Jesus's side. I would like to touch the flame, to look into another's eyes as we touch the flame together.

where the streets have no name -
To know a place you must go there. To know someone you must meet them. If what you have discovered does not lead you towards that which is not yet discovered, then you are in a state of decay. I do not wish decay to creep into my bones, as I wait patiently for the day of calamity to come upon me. I must engage in purpose; for me this is the action of stepping down an unknown street.

Superparamagnetic Particle: A particle that is only magnetic when it is in a magnetic field.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Germination Creation

Yes, I have done it!

At first I thought my first attempt at looking after a plant had ended in disaster... But as the last chilli bud was dying I see that some of the seeds I pushed in the soil a couple of weeks ago have started to sprout!!

Yes, I have created Life !!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Itchy Feet

Tonight my feet were really itchy!

When I was six both my feet were bitten by some yellowish ants at Apple Tree Bay, I remember crying a lot from the pain. Ever since then they keep having these little blisters pop up that make them really itchy. I blame the ants. The last few weeks I have been slicing the blisters open with this rusty old blade, and this sticky yellow puss runs out...

If I scratch them really fast, it feels really good.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

That's Crazy Talk

Today I have been walking around very quiet, but all I want to do is go crazy like Homer. What would people think if I was walking around the office and suddenly just went "HURR BLAH BLAB BLO BLA BLAH BLA BLAH..."

Why does it take so long to communicate things? Talking can be so slow. I would like to get everythink I want to say and express, out and into your face, in one momentry instant. BLAM! There, now you know everything. Would it startle you, shock you, would you run away? Better to burst the boil than slowly let it bleed. I'm itching to explode my brain, in your general direction.

Perhaps though, I like you, and would prefer something more intimate. I could slowly press my forehead against yours, eyes shortly away. Then the atoms of my head would scabrously slide by yours, and our minds would share that very same space. Information, ideas, they would flow and exchange, like the clouds or a gentle kiss.

Too much for you? for anyone? Then I choose to smash my head against a canvas, hard, and have all my ideas and thoughts splat out from the cracks and orifices in my face: my eyes, my nose, my mouth and my ears; a little through the pores of my skin. An overwhelming collage of image and intrigue. I would then stare at it all day, absorbing it back into my mind. Very softly, slowely, muttering to myself. - hurr blah, blab blo, bla blah, bla blah...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Midnight Tourist

Cycling, drifting, late Saturday night....

Transit to Perpetual Extancy

War Flame

Peer Pier

Squiggle City

Friday, June 02, 2006

Crash Cross

Tonight I heard Mark Pierson say that 80% of homeless people are mentally ill.

Tonight I didn't hear Mark Pierson say what % of homeless people are possesed by evil spirits.