Tuesday, August 29, 2006

As Peter sank, Jesus reached out...

picture: St.Francis and St.Dominic

Today I heard an increadably good uplifting sermon *
A friend asked God to bless my night,
And I was blessed by an unexpected uplifting chat with a friend!

* MP3 - Sermon by Tim Costello on 'Judgement and other scary things'
- Please read the Bible passage about 'Lazarus and the rich man' first.
- Ref: Luke 16:19-31

Monday, August 28, 2006


The burdon drives me to my knees
It's all I can do just to kneel and breathe
But for how long...

Friday, August 25, 2006



In the midnight wind
Out there I'll fly
I'm heading to the moon cafe

In the darknes
She will sleep till light
Untill the dawn
Of my Revolution

Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet

Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet

Is it a challenge
Or is it a fantasy

Oh God help me to...
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet

Wake wake up
Not not not yet

Lyrics by CK
Music by OMH

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

baby talk

gob ga ba mama p'nk ka plop!
we qua him ma mul?
sama na chomb bo nu na na.
ie ne lu li noh gah go...
rumn la kuh
wass sa scl'op.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Wine Skin

In Christianity we often ask to be like a vessel or cup to be filled by the Holy Spirit.

If we were a cup, what would we look like, would anyone want to drink from us? Are we covered with fancy pictures, are there leaky cracks down the side? Wouldn't pouring wine into a mug that said 'Beer' be misleading?

What do people come back for, the cup or what's inside the cup? Will they know what to look for when they want another drink?

If we want God to pour his spirit into us, then we need to be a vessel that is capable of containing his will, that displays his spirit, and that requires change.

"New wine must be poured into a new wineskin."

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Tomorrow has me on a leash,
and Today comforts me while I mourn for Yesterday.