Thursday, April 27, 2006

Hello from Mexico

I never thought about blogging from work... but I can... and now I have... OLE~ !

Monday, April 24, 2006

The Perfect Run...

Ok, I realise I've been in a bit of a slump this last week and need to shake myself free of it. So I am going to try for a 'two week perfect run.' That is: I am going to try and be a perfect person for the next two weeks.
This is somewhat of a Christian oxymoron. We are told we can not and will never be perfect, and that is why we need Jesus. By his death and God's Grace we are forgiven, accepted and 'made perfect in him'. BUT we are also told that we still need to strive to be better. eg Corinthians 9:24 we are to "run in in such a way as to win the prize." Meaning that while we don't have to win/be perfect we should still try to win/be perfect. It's our attitude that is what counts.
So I am often reaching towards this goal, and always fail, then rest (forget about it for a while), then try again ect... Sometimes my run ends the same day I start it, and occasionally it goes on for months...

BODY: I will keep to my fitness program and not eat any rubbish food ect...

MIND: I will be friendlier towards people and not waste all my time downloading/watching rubbish TV ect...

SOUL: I will read my Bible and not contemplate negative/rubbish thoughts about people in my mind ect...

It's Sunday Midnight and I am off and running... yee harr !

Monday night Update:

Well, I didn’t sleep so good last night, woke up a few times then had this dream…

It was medieval times and I was the King of the land. I was the King because I was super powered and undefeatable in battle. Now the evil villain of the land sent a large black dragon to attack me in a field. All the people of the land gathered round to watch and I faced off against the dragon with arrogance. After all, I could not be defeated! As I swung my chain and ball around, I walked towards the dragon but was suddenly surprised. Just then I realized there was someone behind me, and that the dragon was a distraction to trick me. Before I could turn I was whacked on the back of the head and blacked out. While I was in a coma the villain cut me open and removed my appendix, as it was well known that this was the source of my power…

400 years later I woke up in the modern world, I was forgotten part of history. I was very weak but as I stood up a powerful man greeted me. He was the world’s best warrior, trained for this moment, to be my guide. I knew I had to find and defeat the evil villain, who had ruled the land since my demise, but did not know where to find him. The warrior said he knew of a building that contained a computer file with the villain’s location, so off we went. The tall corporate building was surrounded by beautiful landscaped moat. We swam through it around to the rear of the building and followed someone in the back door, just before it shut. Inside was a steam room full of corporate executives, relaxing in their towels. Just as we started up the stairs someone shouted ‘intruders!’ They all jumped up to grab us as we ran up the stairs and into the next room. We ran down the hall as ‘suits’ (immaculate grey suited employees) jumped out to grab us, but the warrior took them down, hard, and we ran on. Caught in a dead end room we climbed out the window and shimmied across the ledge to the next room, which was empty. We logged on and got the address for the villain. We burst out of the room and there were a plethora of enemies there, waiting. The fighting got intense, but I was feeling much stronger and took on a few of the baddies myself. I smiled, as I knew my real power had not come from my appendix but from my inner confidence and strength, which was returning. They started pulling out grey relay batons and throwing them at us. Dodging, twisting, diving, I avoided the batons as we made our way to the exit, and the warrior dashed through. A step behind I was about to follow when one of them pulled out a police badge and yelled stop. I had no intention of complying but our gaze locked and in that instant I knew he recognized me as that King, from so long ago. I couldn’t allow him to remain there, as he would alert the villain of my presence. I decided to destroy him, to keep him quiet, but first I gave him a chance. “You know who I am. Join me.” In just that moment he weighed up his options then nodded, yes. Together dashed through the exit door… then I woke up.

Not feeling so great I lay straight down on my bench press and worked out. I matched my bench record from last week, but didn’t beat it so felt a bit better but still pretty shabby. Rode to work and started dialing. An average day then rode home again that night. As I rode home in the biting cold I thought about the day and realized that I hadn’t mucked up my ‘perfect run’ yet. Pushing myself harder and harder I started to feel quite good. Towards the end of the ride I out rode a tram on the flat straight and got home in 50 minutes, 10 minutes off my previous record. Suddenly I was on top of the world and feeling fantastic! When I got up to the apartment one of my brother’s friends said he had put a plate of the best selected food, from the party that was going on, in the fridge for me. I thanked him and had a look. ‘Nice try…Satan’ I thought. Tempting me with the best rubbish food, on this evening of the first day of my run. ‘But I am fasting today to help kick start the run’ and I smiled, and walked away.

Friday night - the Wrap Up:

Well, it was a tough run, now at an end, it all came down to a small piece of cake this afternoon…

The whole week was a great struggle of temptations and difficulties. One morning I was so emotionally very low I nearly drove into work, but at the last second I decided I would not be defeated and hopped on my bike. Also mid week my desk buddy handed me one of a number of tickets, her mum had given her, to VIP party at a well-known Melbourne Strip club! I laughed out loud, as only during this week with my ‘publicish run’ could such an improbable ridiculosity happen. But this afternoon I had a farewell for a work friend and there was some rubbish food on the table; I really didn’t think about it other than ‘why shouldn’t I be able to celebrate a bit with my friends…’ and I ate a piece of the cake. It wasn’t anything good but you know, so what, and I went back to work.

Riding home that night it popped back in my mind and I started to argue with my self if it really counted as a black mark against the run. I decided it did. Soon after my riding slowed until I was barely putting in the effort to move the pedals and I felt completely exhausted. I realised it was not my physical body that was tired, but it was my spirit that was drained and I started to get depressed. Distracted in my thoughts I had a few more ‘close calls’ with other cars than normal but made it home just as it got dark. Oh my brother is playing two different stereos, with different songs, simultaneously at maximum volume. Good one!

I turned off the lights and sat in the shower, soaking in the solitude, darkness and roar of the water beating down on my shoulders. I didn’t feel like giving up and having a rest. More like I had just got a foot stuck in the mud. My journey needed to continue, I had planned to ride out to Ringwood tomorrow, but it all seemed so far away now. Have you ever been lost in your thoughts at a train station, only to look up and see the train you were waiting for is just departing?

After a time I dressed and walked down to the supermarket and bought a big piece of fish, which I grilled washed down with a Vodka and Orange while watching Big Brother Friday night games…(No, don’t go there.)

Later...Back on the net, I have been thinking about some very real and important Christian issues, and working them through in my mind has helped me begin to feel better.

I think tomorrow after I wake up, I may even feel refreshed…

Saturday Supplemental:

Well I couldn't get to sleep Friday night, realizing that I hadn't mentioned anything positive from the week, like: reading more of my Bible, increasing my fitness efforts, developing new friendships and being a lot more open and friendly with my supervisor. Great! So I jumped out of bed and switched my computer back on, thinking 'I can't let Satan have a perceived win, which he hadn't... So just as I was thinking that and typing my positive things into the blog, bang, the lights went out, the computer powered down, and everything went pitch black. I panicked. Terrified he was just about to appear again in my bedroom, I stumbled, fumbled, for the light switch and flicked it on... Ok, it was just a power surge, but a spiritually suspicious one... Booted up the computer again but couldn't get the net. Went downstairs and found everything working but the server, which was fried... So had to go back to bed with no positive update and a little peeved. But today I felt good and did my ride to Ringwood and ended up haveing a really great day with friends and family. So there!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Blogger Distress

I woke up thismorning and immeadiatly decided yesterday's blog was rubbish and had to be removed. Logging on I found a comment had been added and wondered, as a creation that had evolved and had interaction, did I had the right to scrapp it? I am torn in indecision.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

She Depictions

I was just mucking around, typing random words into Google Image Search, and this is the pattern that developed... I was not saying anything in particular, just intrigued that images of women kept appearing to represent these words, not men and not other things. What is it about women that they are such a catalyst for depiction?

Before updating the blurb I was questioned about including the 'titts' picture and not contextualizing what the blog is about....(That one is 'Joy', Fred... but maybe I should have included the word 'Boner' just for you...)

But isn't that the point of Art, to wonder and ask: Does it provoke anything for you ?

Evolvement 1: Title and Pictures
Evolvement 2: Blurb added
Evolvement 3: Censorship added
Evolvement 4: Blurb Updated and Censorship removed. (It's Art!)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Monday, April 17, 2006

Mind Doodle - Uninterupted

A fish, dead on a piece of newspaper, leans forward and starts sing a song, so I smash it with a sledgehammer. The sledgehammer turns into a snake and slithers away. I look on the ground and see a single solitary gold coin. I pick it up, bite it and find it is chocolate. It travels instantly through my digestive system and shoots out as a fart at the other end. A scientist bottles the fart and analyses it under a microscope and discovers that each little atom has my face on it and they all wink and smile back. He jumps up from his seat, slips backwards and hits his head on the ground, falling into unconsciousness. A paramedic comes in to attend, and the paramedic is me. I have a stethoscope around my neck, which is made out of Allen’s snakes alive lollies. I throw the candy stethoscope into the bin and it lands next to a banana. The magic genie from Aladdin appears and makes the banana into a house that is still in the shape of a banana, and I wonder how long the house will last in the sun with its banana skin roof. I go inside and a bear sits at the table with some porridge. There is an earthquake and a fissure opens up the floor and the bear and the porridge fall down through it into the darkness. Then the big blue Brutus robot from Astoboy rises up out of the fissure and stomps into the distance. A butterfly flutters past my head and I capture it in a jar. The butterfly turns into a fairy in the jar, and the jar now sits on Ben and Celeste's mantle piece. I look across to their iMac and travel into the screen, through the modem and telephone cable and come out as a loud screech from the phone at the other end, which is next to Winter, who giggles.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Pacing around and shaking my head

I just can't believe it! Really, I just can't !!

I have long found a mirthful amusement in Jesse Duplantis Ministries. An American TV Evangelist completely engaged in prosperity focused teaching... ie: Bless him with wealth and God will bless you with wealth....

Well he has re-done his website and this is what stopped me in my tracks: (In reference to the benifits of becoming a financial partner/contributor to his ministry...)

"Preferred Seating – Partners have a special section in every JDM-hosted event –– such as our special Friday Night events in key cities around the US or meetings held at our JDM International Headquarters! Preferred seating is based on availability."

Well... I can just imagine Jesus almost ready to preach to the crowds. His disciples have roped off the front area and he gives them a little more time to wander among the people and shake their money bags; sprooking "front seats, just 15 danari..." Some disciples chat lightheartedly with the wealthy as they are guided to their 'preferred' seats, and others glare menacingly at anyone else that gets too close...

This is Christianity EVERTED.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Blood In The Sand

I once had a lover
So beautiful, tender, sweet
I reached out for her and folded her up in my arms
She smiled at me, embraced me and watered my thirst, my soul, me
At my lowest she supported, at my highest she rejoyced, alongside
Together we wept, walked and loved
She taught me more more about myself, herself, ourself
and I strove to offer back, a candy for the banquet
I thought we would be together forever
then without notice or recourse, seperation.

Time apart, gnawing, drawing, expectant

After, I returned and found her crouched and afraid
She grabbed my arm, fingernails biting
Her sharpened teeth pressed deep into the flesh of my bosom
I whispered sweetly in her ear but her eyes were cold, still
A heart? a need?
Just a desire to feed...
Our love seemed lost, or abandoned, or?
I recoiled and stumbled
Unsure of where to step next

Should I sacrifice myself to her pain
Lay my all on this alter of hope
A seed in the ash

And yet, in the distance
Another lover beckons.

Monday, April 10, 2006


I never liked her... and then I found myself falling in love with her eyes..

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Easter Passion

Just watched 'Passion of the Christ' again, which yanked me into Easter mode. Two scenes grabbed me by the arm...

When Simon of Cyrene helped bear the weight of the cross with Jesus, stepping forward together in suffering. I thought what a wonderful privilege.
     I was reminded of a time back in early high school when I was ridiculed for my open Christianity. Two life long friends transferred in from another school and made new friends, with the boys that despised me the most. I tried to make friends with them all but for my buddys it soon became a choice of me or them and I was not the winner. One morning I went to chat with them and was told by the group to go away and don't ever come back. I wasn't going to give up my friendships that easily and hung around trying to be nice. Then one of the boys found an old pair of underpants lying on the ground, picked them up with a stick and dropped them on my head. Immeadiately I felt like Jesus with his crown of thorns while they all jumped around laughing. So I stood there and made no move to dislodge the offence. Soon one of my 'buddys' flicked the undies off my head but the others were incensed that I had still not got the message to 'nick off'. So another of the boys got out some matches, lit them and threw them onto my head. My hair caught fire and started to flame up. Again I was unmoved, unwilling to let the emotional and physical impact overcome my Christian resolve. So I imagined the fire on my head was like when the apostles were baptised with fire on their heads at Pentecost. As the flames spread out the 'buddy' again came over, with his jumper, and put it out. Then the bell rang and we all dispersed off to our classes.
     There is something special? or connecting? about suffering in partnership with God. For Simon I'm sure it would have had an amazing impact on his life, that he may not have realized untill much later, just what a privilege he had to share a moment with Jesus in his struggle.


Our sin is the reason Jesus suffered. I felt this most as the nails were being hammered into Jesus's hands.
     I was reminded of a time when I placed my life in Gods hands, largly due to a recurring vision I had been having all day. I kept seeing myself as the one who was hammering the nails into Jesus's hands, over and over. A powerful conviction of my own sin as being responsible for the death of christ. The weight of that realisation being a burdon almost to difficult to bear.
     We all sin, we're all responsible, we've all hammered the nails... we've all been set free.

It's a privilege to be a Christian, when so many others aren't, to be freed from sin by Christ's sacrifice on the cross. The images tonight served to draw me back closer to the centre of my Christianity. The centre of Easter.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Winter Day

Hello there Winter. You were born today :)

Someday you will read this blog (I'll explain what a blog is to you in a few years...) and smile.

Smile then because it is your birthday, and therefore it is a happy day!

Joy, Joy la lalla la la laaa.....

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Auto Voyeur

It's dark, cold and raining... and it will take another hour for my washing to dry in the tumbler. So I went for a walk to see what things people leave in the back of their cars:

Tape Measure
Guitar Case
Iron Gate
Pink Teddy Bear
Miniature Antique Pram
Mixed Nuts
Roll Of Foam
Pots Of Dirt
Animal Cage
Tennis Racquet
Fishing Rod
Huge Green Ball
Golf Clubs

One car, with an alarm, didn't like me.