Monday, April 17, 2006

Mind Doodle - Uninterupted

A fish, dead on a piece of newspaper, leans forward and starts sing a song, so I smash it with a sledgehammer. The sledgehammer turns into a snake and slithers away. I look on the ground and see a single solitary gold coin. I pick it up, bite it and find it is chocolate. It travels instantly through my digestive system and shoots out as a fart at the other end. A scientist bottles the fart and analyses it under a microscope and discovers that each little atom has my face on it and they all wink and smile back. He jumps up from his seat, slips backwards and hits his head on the ground, falling into unconsciousness. A paramedic comes in to attend, and the paramedic is me. I have a stethoscope around my neck, which is made out of Allen’s snakes alive lollies. I throw the candy stethoscope into the bin and it lands next to a banana. The magic genie from Aladdin appears and makes the banana into a house that is still in the shape of a banana, and I wonder how long the house will last in the sun with its banana skin roof. I go inside and a bear sits at the table with some porridge. There is an earthquake and a fissure opens up the floor and the bear and the porridge fall down through it into the darkness. Then the big blue Brutus robot from Astoboy rises up out of the fissure and stomps into the distance. A butterfly flutters past my head and I capture it in a jar. The butterfly turns into a fairy in the jar, and the jar now sits on Ben and Celeste's mantle piece. I look across to their iMac and travel into the screen, through the modem and telephone cable and come out as a loud screech from the phone at the other end, which is next to Winter, who giggles.

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