Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Well I was sitting at mass down at St.Francis on Sunday... St.Francis, a man for the poor, and a church full of the wealthy... And the priest dude gave a short talk about how we should respect and love the street people, the same or more than rich people... After the talk some more abra ka dabra... Then I was tapped on the shoulder, by a street person standing in the ayle, wanting some money... 'for food'. I offered to take him out for a meal but he said it was actually 'for entertainment to see a movie'... so I offered to take him to see a movie... then he said he would prefer me to buy him 'a music CD'... I asked what would he play it on? He said 'It's not for drugs'... I gave him some money... He moved on and spent the next 1/2hr walking around the church 'collecting' money... even as the service continued, ballsy. No one, besides the donators, paid him any attention, I guess it is a normal accepted part of that church culture...

So in a church for the poor, but full of the rich, was a sermon about loving the poor, and in came a poor man, who the rich ignored, he asked them for their riches, one rich man offered him relationship and respect, but the poor man only wanted his money, got his money and continued to hassle other rich men for money, interupting and disrespecting the service designed to get people to love and respect him...

Then everyone left with riches, and everyone left poor.

1 comment:

Tim Jeffries said...

heh, that's pretty full on CK. I wonder whether that guy knew what the sermon was about or whether it was just chance.