Friday, November 03, 2006

Sell Everything, Give to the poor...

Hi folks,
Tomorrow Sat 4th Nov, it's my garage sale :)

- All money made goes to the Homeless community.

I hope to have fun !

I had a great day, bro!

7am to 9pm and I didn't notice the sun till I woke up burnt the next day. A fair few people came by and chatted. It was like a community social event. I met and chatted with the neighbours for the first time, which was cool. Also a fair few people chatted with me about homelessness and social justice, talking about their own poverty experiences, which meant it was a great learning-connecting-understanding day.

I raised a good amount for the homeless community and will ebay the remaining good items this week, then the rest to the Salvos. Rock'in.

The challenge now:
Is to work out the best way to give the money, to help the homeless, effectivly...?
(Let me know if you have an idea.)

Update: I gave half the money to a charity that works with the Homeless, but I really want to do something on a direct 1 on 1 basis. I have been told cash wont help, as it will be used on a short term benifit, that will not change their outlook. Also that if you buy them something they will only try and convert the item to cash, usually a refund. I was told by someone that after they bought a street person a cheese burger and walked away they then saw the person return to get a refund on the cheesburger... So what about taking someone to a restarunt, or putting them up in a hotel room for the night. Giving them some dignity and friendship, but would that help in a long term sense?

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