Saturday, April 22, 2006

She Depictions

I was just mucking around, typing random words into Google Image Search, and this is the pattern that developed... I was not saying anything in particular, just intrigued that images of women kept appearing to represent these words, not men and not other things. What is it about women that they are such a catalyst for depiction?

Before updating the blurb I was questioned about including the 'titts' picture and not contextualizing what the blog is about....(That one is 'Joy', Fred... but maybe I should have included the word 'Boner' just for you...)

But isn't that the point of Art, to wonder and ask: Does it provoke anything for you ?

Evolvement 1: Title and Pictures
Evolvement 2: Blurb added
Evolvement 3: Censorship added
Evolvement 4: Blurb Updated and Censorship removed. (It's Art!)

1 comment:

Apostropher said...

Does it provoke anything for you ?

I'm not sure yet; I'm still trying to come to terms with Nipple Man.