Thursday, September 28, 2006

Woo Hoo - Praise God!

God is great! He is the best! Praise him! YES! He is the best!
No one is mightier than him!!!
Praise Jesus! Praise the Father! Praise the Spirit!
All Heaven sings his Glory!
Nothing for him, is not possible!
God, I love you!
My Father Clothes me!
My Father Feeds me!
My Father Loves me!
My Father watches down on me from on high!
He is a mystery beyond all understanding!
He holds me in his hands!
He guides and protects me!
He takes me to places and shows me things!
Love abounds within his presence!
The fearful shall fear!
And the wicked will run!
No corner of darkness shall not be flooded by his light!
For he sees all!
He hears all!
He knows all!
And nothing shall happen that is not his will!
Praise God!
Praise God!
Praise God!
AMEN !!!

Later in the night...
I'm shaking for the 2nd time today as God has just: Blown My Mind!
I am simply stunned and amazed!
How he works!
There is nothing like it!


Tim Jeffries said...

Wow, what happened?

ck said...

Last Thursday work offered me a 6 month Job extension, which threw me into extreme stress, trying to work out what to do. Was it temptation, a test, or leading from God??? Then over the week I had an amazing avalanche of God speaking to leave the Job and other things. Though I didn’t tell my Boss an answer this week as I was relunctant to let go of the job, as I love the work and people so much.

Yesterday my boss called me for a meeting and I told him ‘everything’: Africa, Fellowship, Heaven ect… And he said A) It was good and he backed my decision to leave and do the Faith Walk B) That I was welcome back anytime, just call him. And C) Could I talk to the other staff about my experiences and plans, to encourage them!

Later that night I picked up a book off a shelf at someones house and read something that completely unlocked a Vision I had 10 years ago! At the time I thought the Vision (don’t ask, it’s a personal message) was good but not relevant to anything, so I hadn’t thought about it much since then. BUT now the ‘unlocked’ Vision makes much, much more sense, and gives relevant revelation and understanding to things happening in my life right now!!

ck said...


Early in the year I was telling some people about a general vision I had for a church in the city that would be open/run 24hrs, 7 days a week. The Faith walk is my Primary Vision and the 24hr Church is my Secondary Vision, to work towards...

And I was dissapointed last week that I was going to miss Mark's talk on Joy at church, because I was going to be in Sydney that weekend.

I went to Sydney and Church with my Grandma and her church had great joy in it's worship, more than I had seen before, and I I felt released into that Joy for God. So I felt God had shown me Joy there.

Also the preacher was talking about going through 'tests' from God, that a major test was caring for poor and homeless, and releasing your money as God wants you too, as well. He told a story of how he stopped at a petrol station and a 'poor' lady (holding a petrol can) asked him for $5 as she had run out of petrol. He said he knew it was a 'scam', that she would be there all day asking and collecting money, so he drove off. Then down the road he felt a leading that he should go back and give her the money, even though he knew it was a scam, and did so.

Monday night I russhed to Sydney Domestic terminal to fly home, and discovered that the plane was leaving from the international terminal! Another girl was there who made the same mistake, so we jumped in a cab together to rush to the other terminal a few Kms away. The Indian taxi driver said, as we pulled in, that as we were seperate customers we had to pay 75% of the fare each. ie 150%! We argued a bit and Yu Ling jumped out to get her bags out of the boot, but he wouldn't open the boot untill he got the money. I thought 'Scam' and agreed to pay him what he asked, and got out. The flight was closed but the counter lady made an exception for us, and said the driver had scammed us, but if we had argued and been any later then she definatly could not have helped us!

Two weeks ago I picked up a brochure for a 'Running in the Prophetic' conference, from Word bookstore in the city. I decided I just wanted my name as 'CK' on the form, but there was only a credit card option (which would need the card holders name). So last night I went down to the building in Russell St, where the church holding the conference meets, to hand in the form personally, with the cash. By 'chance' (wink wink) they had just started a Friday night service (about 50 people), and invited me to stay, so I did.

Well I just saw Joy increased by about 100! They were dancing, shouting, painting, spinning, praying, singing and running around waving huge flags! I tried to stand still up the back but that didn't last long. LOL! And the preacher was on his guitar rocking like Billy Ray Cyrus...and singing 'I love you' to his wife in the audience... he he.

Then he preached about the importance Humility, which was great as I had just told a friend on Wednesday that I had been thinking about Pride being my most important enemy/weakness. And Then they mentioned they would be doing some street ministry soon..

AND THEN they talked about how they had a vision for running the church in the city 24hrs, 360 days a year! And had started towards that goal this week with a 24/7 prayer vigil!


ck said...


On Saturday evening I am dancing and singing along with some praise music on a DVD I was given at the service last night, when my house mate walked in. I was a bit embarrased but decided to continue... Then shortly later he comes back and says how it's good to hear some praise music away from the Church!

I went to see my friends band play, at a very dark 'hard music' club. It was called 'Click Click' and was on the corner of King and Lonsdale St, opposite the strip clubs. I wondered if I should be in such a non Christian place, listening to such non Christian music...So thought 'if God wants me to claim Melbourne for him, then why not claim this club for him!' So I started singing my own praise words to the songs that were being played. The bands were so loud I was able to sing out loud, without anyone noticing. Then I moved through and around the crowd, casually putting my hand on peoples backs and praying for them to know God.

I started singing my praise again, along with the band, when there was a partial power failure... All the dance lights went out, only leaving a a couple of dim regular lights on... and the bands instrument power and amps all worked... except for their microphones! So they continued to play in the dark, with no singing... BUT I sang out loud praises with the music (which was still drowning me out) for about half an hour, before the problem was fixed, and everything returned for normal.

So for a short time in the dark, seedy, back corner of Melbourne, Praise music rang out to God, from a most unlikely place, unchallenged :)


Tim Jeffries said...

Gee, sounds like it's all coming together CK. Amazing news!