Friday, December 29, 2006
The Carrot, and Friends.
Vegitables are fun,
Put them in your mouth,
Not in your bum.
Cook them slowly,
Cook them quick,
Cook them over a candle stick.
On a plate,
In a bowl,
Stir them into a risso roll.
When they're cold,
They're hard as ice,
Heat them up,
They're soft as mice.
To the light a green arm stretches,
It swats at the queen of Narnia,
As she prowls around in the night,
Yellow brings hope, brings life,
To be born and to give birth,
All that is inbetween means existance,
A vegetable is.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Random fictional Story
Sunday, December 10, 2006
, follow me...
You can follow the journey,
Monday, December 04, 2006
Other new words I have learned this week:
and I also:
Stood in a storm
Clung to a cliff
Sat in the desert
and saw a burning bush that did not burn.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
I have been thinking that one of the hardest challenges people might have of living homeless on the streets, would be the cold nights. Last night was a freezing 5 degrees and we are almost into summer! How do people survive, it must be as much a mental torture as a physical one. My friend in London says homeless people die in the cold nights there, all the time.
I wonder what emergency accomodation options are out there? On the basis of just providing shelter for the night I wonder if the Japanese style Capsule Hotel, would be a good idea...?
It provides the most economical use of space, could be open all night, and provided with tea and coffee, it could provide a helpful specific service, that can then direct people to other services for longer term help.
Of course you would need to keep the men seperate from the women and children, either on two floors or have two different hotels. I would call one 'Bankruptcy Hotel' and the other 'Smaratan Station'.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Say What?
I came back out 1hr and 5mins later to see a Parking Inspector writing me a ticket. I walked up and said 'How're you going?'. He said "I haven't finished writing the ticket yet, so you're fine." Then smiled and walked off...
A: Has there been a proceedure change to issuing tickets?
B: Is he the only friendly Inspector in existence? or
C: Do I look sexyier than I think I do?
Friday, November 03, 2006
Sell Everything, Give to the poor...
Hi folks,
Tomorrow Sat 4th Nov, it's my garage sale :)
- All money made goes to the Homeless community.
I hope to have fun !
I had a great day, bro!
7am to 9pm and I didn't notice the sun till I woke up burnt the next day. A fair few people came by and chatted. It was like a community social event. I met and chatted with the neighbours for the first time, which was cool. Also a fair few people chatted with me about homelessness and social justice, talking about their own poverty experiences, which meant it was a great learning-connecting-understanding day.
I raised a good amount for the homeless community and will ebay the remaining good items this week, then the rest to the Salvos. Rock'in.
The challenge now:
Is to work out the best way to give the money, to help the homeless, effectivly...?
(Let me know if you have an idea.)
Update: I gave half the money to a charity that works with the Homeless, but I really want to do something on a direct 1 on 1 basis. I have been told cash wont help, as it will be used on a short term benifit, that will not change their outlook. Also that if you buy them something they will only try and convert the item to cash, usually a refund. I was told by someone that after they bought a street person a cheese burger and walked away they then saw the person return to get a refund on the cheesburger... So what about taking someone to a restarunt, or putting them up in a hotel room for the night. Giving them some dignity and friendship, but would that help in a long term sense?
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Hot... Bed... Action!
Well I woke up early yesterday morning wondering who had put a hot waterbottle next to my feet? But no, it was only that my bed was ON FIRE !! I had fallen asleep with the lamp on, and it took advantage of the situation by deciding, after three months, to leap off the shelf... or did it...?
Who is responsable...?
- Was it a freaky accident?
- Did I try and turn it off in the night and bump it off, so tired that I don't remember doing so?
- Perhaps the hippy boys I live with were so angry at my waste of electricity on Thursday evening, when I dried my clothes in the tumble dryer despite the 35 degree heat, and that now I was leaving the light on all night... they are trying to 'accidently' get rid of me!?
- Is Satan trying to kill me, before I do my Faith Walk? He certainly has tried before...
Is it a sign from God...?
- Wrath? Maybe Jesus really never made a mistake!?
- Goodness? Perhaps fire represents the Spirit of God and Feet represent walking, and since I wasn't harmed, God is saying that I walk with the Spirit?
- Am I an Angel? Revelation CH10 talks about an Angel with feet of fire... sure the Angel also wears clothes of clouds and has a rainbow over his head, but 1 out of 3 is a start...!
How can I use the situation to my advantage...?
- Some new pick-up lines come to mind...
'Hey baby, my bed is HOT... and I can prove it.'
'Feel free to smoke in bed, I know I do...'
'Like my lamp, you will melt in my arms...'
What are the cultural References...?
- Midnight Oil 'How can we sleep when our beds are burning?'
- Psalm 119:105 'Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path' (could be another sign...)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Was Jesus Perfect?
I wondered if Jesus ever made a mistake? And I hear you saying ‘Jesus didn’t make any mistakes, he was Perfect!’
But what does that mean? He was a carpenter, so did he make his first table and chairs perfectly the first go? If he did perfect carpentry, business must have been booming! His dad must have been pleased, nothing to teach, no complaints from customers, perhaps Jesus never even hit his thumb with the hammer, would God miss the nail? Was he a ‘know it all’? The Bible certainly says he impressed the Synagogue leaders when he was twelve. Imagine his school teacher: “Anyone, anyone.. ok Jesus has his hand up, anyone else?” Whenever there was a dispute did his mum just tell the other kids to ‘Go ask Jesus’. Was he unbeatable at cards and dice… another royal flush? ‘Jesus!’
He certainly wasn’t ‘perfect’ in his looks…the Bible says his appearance was nothing special. Probably not an athlete then, probably not a girl’s first choice for a date to the Bar mitzvah. Perhaps he even had a flabby tummy, it might have helped with his fasting. I wonder if some Jock boasted how he could bench press more than Jesus…
Being Human is learning from your mistakes. Not learning from your mistakes is being stupid. I guess looking at Jesus we need to equate perfection as ‘without sin’. And if sin and mistakes are different, then perhaps Jesus made some mistakes and was still perfect? Maybe we shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves when we make a mistake. And sins are forgiven, so there you go, no need to beat myself up so much. Tyler Durden has gone.
I think I’ll open the door to some Peace, Humility and Grace.
Knock Knock…Hello Jesus, perfect day… isn’t it.
(Disclaimer: I reserve the right to change my mind and say Jesus never made a mistake, the moment I feel God’s wrath may be on my back as a result of this blog…)
I have been thinking about the story of Jesus's first miracle, changing water into wine. In that story, when the wine runs out, his mother says to the servants "Do whatever he tells you." This suggests to me that indeed Jesus does have a history for knowing how to solve difficult issues. His mother says 'Do', instead of 'try', and also 'whatever', and not 'if it makes sense'. She speaks with authority. She is saying that Jesus may give strange instructions but that they can be trusted to resolve the situation. This spoken authority can only come from previous experiences.
This also leads me to think that while John says this was "the first of his miraculous signs...", the 'first' may actually relate more to 'signs' and thus this act may not have actually been his first miracle, but perhaps his first public 'this is who I am' miracle/sign... His mother may have experienced him do miracles before, or she might just have total confidence in who he is.
Also I wonder about Jesus's feelings and midset at ths point. It is a much more important moment than the writers make out. A nice little story in hindsight, but if no miracle had happened then it would have been 'game over' for Jesus claiming to be the messiah, before it all started. I would have been thinking 'I hope this works...perhaps I'll do a little test in the back room, before I make this a public show...' But he has faith in God and himself (despite the timng not being what he was wanting [a whole other discussion]), and so he was probably thinking 'and were off and running!'
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Woo Hoo - Praise God!
No one is mightier than him!!!
Praise Jesus! Praise the Father! Praise the Spirit!
All Heaven sings his Glory!
Nothing for him, is not possible!
God, I love you!
My Father Clothes me!
My Father Feeds me!
My Father Loves me!
My Father watches down on me from on high!
He is a mystery beyond all understanding!
He holds me in his hands!
He guides and protects me!
He takes me to places and shows me things!
Love abounds within his presence!
The fearful shall fear!
And the wicked will run!
No corner of darkness shall not be flooded by his light!
For he sees all!
He hears all!
He knows all!
And nothing shall happen that is not his will!
Praise God!
Praise God!
Praise God!
AMEN !!!
Later in the night...
I'm shaking for the 2nd time today as God has just: Blown My Mind!
I am simply stunned and amazed!
How he works!
There is nothing like it!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
So in a church for the poor, but full of the rich, was a sermon about loving the poor, and in came a poor man, who the rich ignored, he asked them for their riches, one rich man offered him relationship and respect, but the poor man only wanted his money, got his money and continued to hassle other rich men for money, interupting and disrespecting the service designed to get people to love and respect him...
Then everyone left with riches, and everyone left poor.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
It was a party, and I was wheeled in on a vertical stretcher, bound to it, like Hanibal Lecter, yet the bindings were not visible. My whole body was paralyzed, I don't know why. Locked in my imobility I was even unable to blink; I had been this way for years. To my family and friends I was a vegetable, just a body, an empty husk, brain dead. But for me, I was completely awake. Able to see and hear all that was going on, but unable to connect, interact, give or receive acknowledgement. My family looked after me and made an effort to include me in their celebrations and occasions. But was the inclusion: a gesture for me, for who I used to be, for hope or for them. I don't know. Stood upright in the corner, barely noticed, I watched like a camera, recording.
I was just like a puppy, happy, innocent, human, but dancing around on all fours. Someone left the leash off, and I raced into the scrub land, behind our house. I rolled around in the dirt and smelt the flowers, what a wonderful world. My family came looking for me, calling out my name, there seemd to be some urgency, but I didn't listen, I was having too much fun. They left. Years past, I was a creature of the forest now, wild, but at home. Home... I seem to remember it, I decided to go back for a look. Suprise and joy from my family as they rushed around me, they were older now but still the same, a touch more grey. They wanted to get me in a bath and clean me up. Yuck. I dashed through their hands and back out to the fields, and into the forrest.
The warm sun shone brightly down on the desert road, as we all marched along in celebration. Jesus smiled as the band banged their tamborines, drums pounded and flutes fluttered. People were singing, chatting, spinning around, as we headed towards the town. I was exuberant and decided to run ahead to tell everyone that Jesus was comming. I sprinted over the hill and all the way into town. I ran to the hotel and around to the rear yard and looked around. There were a lot of people sunning themselves on deck chairs, and a huge pool stretched out accross from the hotel towards the back mountain. I started to tell people, "Jesus was comming, not far away now. Isn't it exciting, fantastic!" But there was no response, they didn't seem to notice me. I went to some others and told them too, but they kept reading their papers, snoozed, talked and laughed among themselves. Strange they were not interested, it was only the most exciting event about to happen, ever. I saw some guys splashing around out at the far end of the pool, I thought 'they will want to know, I'll go and tell them!' So I jumped in and started swimming. As I got there I started talking about the great news that Jesus would be arriving at any moment now, and it would be the biggest party ever. They listened, then laughed, and then started yelling abuse at me. One of the guys swam over and pushed me down. Under the water I could see the surface and tried to swim up, but every time I got near the guy would kick me in the face and push me back down. Soon the struggle was over, I drowned. No more breathing, I was suspended in the water, quiet and still, eyes open, looking up as my body slowly began to sink into the depths. The light, twinkling across the surface of the water, faded into darkness. As I drifted down I became aware of something stiring the water from below. Something very big was directly beneath me, and rising, fast. It slammed into me and kept rising, I was pinned down so tight, as the water rushed around me, that I was unable to move. As we neared the surface I saw that I was lying in the palm of a giant lion's paw! It was carrying me back to the surface. It was warm, I looked and I saw it's claws were long and sharp. We broke through the surface and I held on as it rose into the air. The guys in the pool were still laughing and splashing about, no one had seen them drown me, or no one had cared. Now I was angry and so was the paw. It swooped down and struck the men. They screamed. They died. People began to look up, but too late. I rode the paw of the Lion as its vengeance continued to strike down others. In the distance I could hear the music.
I walked up the hill to where they were gathered. They stood at the top of the cliff, looking out over the lake, way down below. It was a group of about fifty people, they had been standing there for a long time, discussing how to fly. There were arguements about this method, that method, some dares to give it a go, but no one was willing to take the risk, after all, it had never been done, had it? I walked up and said "I'll show you how to do it..." and before they realized what I was doing I stepped straight off the cliff and started to fall. I knew it was not an act of science but an act of faith. You dont sit there forever thinking about how to do it, you step out and do it. As the wind rushed up by my face I stretched out my arms and began to glide. Out accross the water I smiled as I flew, just as I imagined, just as I knew. I banked to my right and circled around, in a wide arc, back up to the top of the cliff, I soared. I landed lightly at the back ot the crowd, with a big smile. They were buzzing and eager to talk to me about how I had done it. I was just about to explain about it when I noticed a friend at the edge of the cliff, and she stepped off. "No wait!" I hadn't told them how to do it yet! People stopped and starred in her direction and I rushed after her. Another man ran out infront of me and left straight over the edge, without hesitation I followed straight behind. The man infront stretched out his arms and began to glide. I stretched out mine and soared past him looking for the girl. She was further out in front barely keeping herself above the water as she glided towards the shore. I was exstatic! They had done it, they were flying, yes! She thudded down past the water and on to the grass. I landed beside her to check if she was alright. She was a bit ruffled but ok, suprised, shocked, but happy. Overhead the other man flew, fast and eratic. Something was wrong, he was out of control. I lept up and stretched out my arms to follow him. He went over the next hill and into a river with a splash. He didnt surface. I flew straight in and down into the dark and muddy water, looking for him, but I couldn't find him. Deeper I swam, this way then that, but to no avail. I was almost out of breath and I knew there were only moments left. I felt responsible, I had to find him. No time left, I twisted up and begant to surface. Just at that moment my wrist was grabbed by a hand of light. There was an Angel in front of me smiling, and she pulled me through the water with a great whoosh. She took me to where the man had sank and joined our hands, then was gone. I pulled up and we broke through the surface and onto the riverside. I turned him over and water poured out of his mouth. He started coughing. He was alive.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
As Peter sank, Jesus reached out...
Today I heard an increadably good uplifting sermon *
A friend asked God to bless my night,
And I was blessed by an unexpected uplifting chat with a friend!
* MP3 - Sermon by Tim Costello on 'Judgement and other scary things'
- Please read the Bible passage about 'Lazarus and the rich man' first.
- Ref: Luke 16:19-31
Monday, August 28, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
In the midnight wind
Out there I'll fly
I'm heading to the moon cafe
In the darknes
She will sleep till light
Untill the dawn
Of my Revolution
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Is it a challenge
Or is it a fantasy
Oh God help me to...
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Wake up Not yet
Wake wake up
Not not not yet
Lyrics by CK
Music by OMH
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
baby talk
we qua him ma mul?
sama na chomb bo nu na na.
ie ne lu li noh gah go...
rumn la kuh
wass sa scl'op.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Wine Skin
If we were a cup, what would we look like, would anyone want to drink from us? Are we covered with fancy pictures, are there leaky cracks down the side? Wouldn't pouring wine into a mug that said 'Beer' be misleading?
What do people come back for, the cup or what's inside the cup? Will they know what to look for when they want another drink?
If we want God to pour his spirit into us, then we need to be a vessel that is capable of containing his will, that displays his spirit, and that requires change.
"New wine must be poured into a new wineskin."
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Work War
It started like this:
"I think the video speaks for itself...FSL will be the one left standing
this afternoon!"
So I hit back with this:
Then FSL sent this:
"It's going to be fun...."
"I'll shake the hand of the man who takes them out!"
"Is CK on our side?"
So I returned:
"The question is: Who will be on my side ? !!"
And then today we got this!:
"CSG Going Down"
LOL - little do they know I just got transferred to their department today~!
I might have gone a bit far, with this...
"Careful, bears have friends..."
Monday, July 10, 2006
They could be eggs...
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Superparamagnetic Particle
I want to hide
I want to tear down the walls
That hold me inside
I want to reach out
And touch the flame
Where the streets have no name
- U2
I've been feeling a lot like this lately. Not satisifed with who and where I am.
run - How great would it be to have the power of the Lord come apon you, like with Elijah out running Ahab in his chariot. To know that God is with you, supporting you with heavenly power to do the tasks he sets before you. To feel the wind in your face as you run at speed, passing by the others in the race, doing so with ease, and grace.
hide - The tasks, the ideas, I see before me can be scarey, feel ominous, cause my heart to skip a beat in expectation. Jonah ran and hid, until he was stripped of everything, fearing the job he was asked to do. But even deep under the sea in the belly of a whale he could not hide. God sees us wherever we are hiding, physically, emotionally. He continues to guide me, through and out of the fear and hesitation that binds me.
tear down the walls - We surround ourselves walls, fearful of others and the outside world. We like our routine, our comfort zones, and resist when someone seeks to explore or reach further inside. Once something hidden is revealed, power moves into anothers hands, trust is born and betrayal lurks just around the corner. Equally is the difficulty in reaching past the walls of others. Like Joshua we may march round and round the Jericho with no way in. Battles can ensue, people can get hurt, often the breaching is where the most dammage is done. Far better to negotiate the opening of a gate. Almost time for me to open a gate.
reach out - I see the cold dark shadows of those that drift before me, in the night, in the corners, in the quiet, in the scream. Would Heaven be so bright that those looking down might be blinded from above? It is not satisfaction enough to hold the truth in my hands. Still I will feel lonely, greedy, useless, 'do not conceal your love and your truth'. The Truth is a gift that must be passed on.
touch the flame - There is no joy as great as that of: the looking into another's eyes and seeing the awakening, the flicker of the flame. It will mesmerise the one who struck the match. It is a flame that can be touched, as Thomas touched the wound wound in Jesus's side. I would like to touch the flame, to look into another's eyes as we touch the flame together.
where the streets have no name - To know a place you must go there. To know someone you must meet them. If what you have discovered does not lead you towards that which is not yet discovered, then you are in a state of decay. I do not wish decay to creep into my bones, as I wait patiently for the day of calamity to come upon me. I must engage in purpose; for me this is the action of stepping down an unknown street.
Superparamagnetic Particle: A particle that is only magnetic when it is in a magnetic field.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Germination Creation
Monday, June 19, 2006
Itchy Feet
Tonight my feet were really itchy!
When I was six both my feet were bitten by some yellowish ants at Apple Tree Bay, I remember crying a lot from the pain. Ever since then they keep having these little blisters pop up that make them really itchy. I blame the ants. The last few weeks I have been slicing the blisters open with this rusty old blade, and this sticky yellow puss runs out...
If I scratch them really fast, it feels really good.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
That's Crazy Talk
Why does it take so long to communicate things? Talking can be so slow. I would like to get everythink I want to say and express, out and into your face, in one momentry instant. BLAM! There, now you know everything. Would it startle you, shock you, would you run away? Better to burst the boil than slowly let it bleed. I'm itching to explode my brain, in your general direction.
Perhaps though, I like you, and would prefer something more intimate. I could slowly press my forehead against yours, eyes shortly away. Then the atoms of my head would scabrously slide by yours, and our minds would share that very same space. Information, ideas, they would flow and exchange, like the clouds or a gentle kiss.
Too much for you? for anyone? Then I choose to smash my head against a canvas, hard, and have all my ideas and thoughts splat out from the cracks and orifices in my face: my eyes, my nose, my mouth and my ears; a little through the pores of my skin. An overwhelming collage of image and intrigue. I would then stare at it all day, absorbing it back into my mind. Very softly, slowely, muttering to myself. - hurr blah, blab blo, bla blah, bla blah...
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Midnight Tourist
Friday, June 02, 2006
Crash Cross
Tonight I heard Mark Pierson say that 80% of homeless people are mentally ill.
Tonight I didn't hear Mark Pierson say what % of homeless people are possesed by evil spirits.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Home less ness and less and ness
I decided to find a homeless person and take them for a good meal and chat, to discover more, to see with eyes that are open, to hear what my heart is saying. And yet, though I walked and I walked, I found no one. At one point I did see a Chinese man standing still in an alley, back to the wall, looking my way. He had a hooded parker pulled tight around his face, jeans that were rolled up inside out around his ankles, and a carry bag on the ground beside him. We locked eyes, yet nothing passed between us. I walked on, I wondered, who was he. I wish I was more bold. I wish I could overcome the barriers between me and the others. I know a place where there are no barriers. Hope is born on the lips of those that utter it. Boldness commeth, this way my way, I pray.
I stopped in a cafe, and had my meal. It was busy. But why? I know why I was out at this hour. What was the Monday night prompting for these others? I sat and observed. A couple sat down beside me and started to chat, my ears open. What did they chat about? They chatted of the homeless.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Worth Watching
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Broken Bones
The first time was when I was six years old. It was in the playground at school. Some kids were jumping off the bottom end of the slide when one went a bit higher, to show he was cool. Well I was cool, and I wanted to show it, so I went up the ladder to the top of the slide and jumped off. Crunch, I didn't think beyond the jumping bit... I went home and found my arm wanted to float up into the sky. Sort of like when you stand in a doorway and push really hard with your arms out straight against the frame, for about two minutes, then let go, and your arms seem really really light. Mum took me to hospital and the X-ray showed my wrist had clean snapped in half. I soon discovered that a plastered arm made me cool, and tough. So mission accomplished, and then some.
The second time I was off travelling around Isreal. Some backpackers and I were playing basketball against some Arab kids from the nearby school. We were kicking butt, and one of them got fustrated and so kicked at the ball, which was in my hands, and broke my finger. Tim told me there was nothing wrong with my hand and to get back in the game and keep playing, which I did. I shouldn't have trusted him, he was an Israeli Agent, tasked to spy on me. We had hooked up at the El Arab Hostel in the Jerusalem Old City, which I was running for the owner, after he had fallen down the stairs and broken his hip. Tim had introduced himself as a Canadian from Toronto and we did a couple of the tours together. Now I was on the lookout for a bit of spooky business, as I had upset the Isreali intelligence services at the Hong Kong airport on the way over. You see they interview people before they let you on the plane, to suss them out a bit. Knowing this, I decided to play with them a little by answering their questions truthfully, but hold a completly straight face and steady eyes as to not give away the usual tell tale signs as to your honesty. The first lady quized me for a short time then, unable to read me, called in the head honcho who really got down to business. One baggage hunt, body search and explosives machine detector processing later, I was escorted to my seat on the waiting plane. They also keep an eye on people that are profiled for Jerusalem Syndrome. That is: people that when they get to Jerusalem, crack under the impact of such a religous and Biblical place and they start believing and saying that they are a prophet or character from out of the Bible, like Moses. Why I fit that profile is another story, anyway back to Tim. He seemed less Canadian and more like an Isreali speaking American, and he had befriended me, which was suspicious enough, as that's one of the counters to Jerusalem Syndrome; by friendship you keep the subject rooted in reality. Later we were in Hebron and we (or was it he?) decided to split up for a bit and meet back later. Now due to tensions at the time, we were the only westerners in that city, as we (or was it he?) had found the only Palestinean guide willing to take us there. So after we had seperated I wondered where he was going, and doubled back to follow him. I glanced around a corner and was suprised to see him in the street, with his back turned, talking to a military general. Now what was suprising was not that they were talking, but that it was not official like, but casual chit chat, almost chummy I'd say... Later in the week we were walking through the outer city and he said he had to go somewhere, non specific, and he headed off. Again I followed at a discrete distance, and saw he went into the American Consulate. I followed. Noticeing Madeleine Albright's picture going through security, I glared back. Sitting down at the free internet service I didn't see Tim, then a short time later he came out a door, saw me and said "you're here to use the internet too?" When I got home to Australia again I had my finger X-rayed and the knuckle was broken, took a long time to heal too. Later I sent Tim an email, he didn't reply, I guess his mission was over.
Anyway, all I really wanted to say was broken bones heal a lot faster than broken relationships.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
God Gagged
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My brother crossed a line, and now the damage is done, I just don't know...
Next Day:
I will disolve the line on the principal that: I will not let Satan have a win and damage my relationships just by putting me in a position where I am reluctant to forgive.
While I made the decision in my mind, my emotions have not yet been able to follow...
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Party !
Party at my place tonight...!
Might change the pics here as it develops... if nothing interesting happens this blog might dissapear...
4:15 am -: I am sitting here at the computer after an amazing night. One of my new friends came along and we really opened up to one another. We have been sitting here for many hours talking about life, God, and sexuality, while doing inkblot tests on the net.
I have to carefully consider everything I do and say, a struggle against the vodka in my mind. I am learning as much about myself as I am about her...
She sleeps quietly now, while I sit here typing, and I wind down the night.
With the sun rising shortly, I wonder how our relationship has changed, grown.
A week later:... nope, looks pretty wrecked.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Correlation ?
Six times overnight I woke up from nightmares,
One time last night I had a La Porchetta's Mexican Pizza...
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Jesus Jet Seduction
Praise God!
Here are a couple of pics of it (18 Million dollars):
I would encourage you to download the ibrochure and listen to the smoothest, most seductive voice I have ever heard!
Here are a few quotes:
"Fastest business plane ever developed"
"Most elegantly furnished cabin in Citation history"
and "Sumptuous Leather..." mmm...
Now he can truely preach the Gospel.
Is there no limit to what prayer can do... HA!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Walking Past - Jo
I want to ask you all sorts of questions... like 'baby pram' hello?! and what ya been doing?
If you ever come accross my blog, then buzz me, ok!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
These people made me angry:
Jesus Husband, Jester Child, Sleepy Dragon, Faithful One, Harpy, Mother Earth, The New Apostle, Monastic Man, Nunster, and The Tribe.
After I got home I thought about my friends that did not make me angry and calmed down. I was feeling so peaceful that the idea of smashing something with a hammer is grating against my nerves.
These people made me peaceful:
Gentle Prod, Burning Bush, Quiet Smile, Sunken Light, Blueberry Rose, Shout, and The Ivory Tower Twins.
This person always makes me smile:
Happy Embrace With A Twinkling Eye.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
The Perfect Run...
This is somewhat of a Christian oxymoron. We are told we can not and will never be perfect, and that is why we need Jesus. By his death and God's Grace we are forgiven, accepted and 'made perfect in him'. BUT we are also told that we still need to strive to be better. eg Corinthians 9:24 we are to "run in in such a way as to win the prize." Meaning that while we don't have to win/be perfect we should still try to win/be perfect. It's our attitude that is what counts.
So I am often reaching towards this goal, and always fail, then rest (forget about it for a while), then try again ect... Sometimes my run ends the same day I start it, and occasionally it goes on for months...
BODY: I will keep to my fitness program and not eat any rubbish food ect...
MIND: I will be friendlier towards people and not waste all my time downloading/watching rubbish TV ect...
SOUL: I will read my Bible and not contemplate negative/rubbish thoughts about people in my mind ect...
It's Sunday Midnight and I am off and running... yee harr !
Monday night Update:
Well, I didn’t sleep so good last night, woke up a few times then had this dream…
It was medieval times and I was the King of the land. I was the King because I was super powered and undefeatable in battle. Now the evil villain of the land sent a large black dragon to attack me in a field. All the people of the land gathered round to watch and I faced off against the dragon with arrogance. After all, I could not be defeated! As I swung my chain and ball around, I walked towards the dragon but was suddenly surprised. Just then I realized there was someone behind me, and that the dragon was a distraction to trick me. Before I could turn I was whacked on the back of the head and blacked out. While I was in a coma the villain cut me open and removed my appendix, as it was well known that this was the source of my power…
400 years later I woke up in the modern world, I was forgotten part of history. I was very weak but as I stood up a powerful man greeted me. He was the world’s best warrior, trained for this moment, to be my guide. I knew I had to find and defeat the evil villain, who had ruled the land since my demise, but did not know where to find him. The warrior said he knew of a building that contained a computer file with the villain’s location, so off we went. The tall corporate building was surrounded by beautiful landscaped moat. We swam through it around to the rear of the building and followed someone in the back door, just before it shut. Inside was a steam room full of corporate executives, relaxing in their towels. Just as we started up the stairs someone shouted ‘intruders!’ They all jumped up to grab us as we ran up the stairs and into the next room. We ran down the hall as ‘suits’ (immaculate grey suited employees) jumped out to grab us, but the warrior took them down, hard, and we ran on. Caught in a dead end room we climbed out the window and shimmied across the ledge to the next room, which was empty. We logged on and got the address for the villain. We burst out of the room and there were a plethora of enemies there, waiting. The fighting got intense, but I was feeling much stronger and took on a few of the baddies myself. I smiled, as I knew my real power had not come from my appendix but from my inner confidence and strength, which was returning. They started pulling out grey relay batons and throwing them at us. Dodging, twisting, diving, I avoided the batons as we made our way to the exit, and the warrior dashed through. A step behind I was about to follow when one of them pulled out a police badge and yelled stop. I had no intention of complying but our gaze locked and in that instant I knew he recognized me as that King, from so long ago. I couldn’t allow him to remain there, as he would alert the villain of my presence. I decided to destroy him, to keep him quiet, but first I gave him a chance. “You know who I am. Join me.” In just that moment he weighed up his options then nodded, yes. Together dashed through the exit door… then I woke up.
Not feeling so great I lay straight down on my bench press and worked out. I matched my bench record from last week, but didn’t beat it so felt a bit better but still pretty shabby. Rode to work and started dialing. An average day then rode home again that night. As I rode home in the biting cold I thought about the day and realized that I hadn’t mucked up my ‘perfect run’ yet. Pushing myself harder and harder I started to feel quite good. Towards the end of the ride I out rode a tram on the flat straight and got home in 50 minutes, 10 minutes off my previous record. Suddenly I was on top of the world and feeling fantastic! When I got up to the apartment one of my brother’s friends said he had put a plate of the best selected food, from the party that was going on, in the fridge for me. I thanked him and had a look. ‘Nice try…Satan’ I thought. Tempting me with the best rubbish food, on this evening of the first day of my run. ‘But I am fasting today to help kick start the run’ and I smiled, and walked away.
Friday night - the Wrap Up:
Well, it was a tough run, now at an end, it all came down to a small piece of cake this afternoon…
The whole week was a great struggle of temptations and difficulties. One morning I was so emotionally very low I nearly drove into work, but at the last second I decided I would not be defeated and hopped on my bike. Also mid week my desk buddy handed me one of a number of tickets, her mum had given her, to VIP party at a well-known Melbourne Strip club! I laughed out loud, as only during this week with my ‘publicish run’ could such an improbable ridiculosity happen. But this afternoon I had a farewell for a work friend and there was some rubbish food on the table; I really didn’t think about it other than ‘why shouldn’t I be able to celebrate a bit with my friends…’ and I ate a piece of the cake. It wasn’t anything good but you know, so what, and I went back to work.
Riding home that night it popped back in my mind and I started to argue with my self if it really counted as a black mark against the run. I decided it did. Soon after my riding slowed until I was barely putting in the effort to move the pedals and I felt completely exhausted. I realised it was not my physical body that was tired, but it was my spirit that was drained and I started to get depressed. Distracted in my thoughts I had a few more ‘close calls’ with other cars than normal but made it home just as it got dark. Oh my brother is playing two different stereos, with different songs, simultaneously at maximum volume. Good one!
I turned off the lights and sat in the shower, soaking in the solitude, darkness and roar of the water beating down on my shoulders. I didn’t feel like giving up and having a rest. More like I had just got a foot stuck in the mud. My journey needed to continue, I had planned to ride out to Ringwood tomorrow, but it all seemed so far away now. Have you ever been lost in your thoughts at a train station, only to look up and see the train you were waiting for is just departing?
After a time I dressed and walked down to the supermarket and bought a big piece of fish, which I grilled washed down with a Vodka and Orange while watching Big Brother Friday night games…(No, don’t go there.)
Later...Back on the net, I have been thinking about some very real and important Christian issues, and working them through in my mind has helped me begin to feel better.
I think tomorrow after I wake up, I may even feel refreshed…Saturday Supplemental:
Well I couldn't get to sleep Friday night, realizing that I hadn't mentioned anything positive from the week, like: reading more of my Bible, increasing my fitness efforts, developing new friendships and being a lot more open and friendly with my supervisor. Great! So I jumped out of bed and switched my computer back on, thinking 'I can't let Satan have a perceived win, which he hadn't... So just as I was thinking that and typing my positive things into the blog, bang, the lights went out, the computer powered down, and everything went pitch black. I panicked. Terrified he was just about to appear again in my bedroom, I stumbled, fumbled, for the light switch and flicked it on... Ok, it was just a power surge, but a spiritually suspicious one... Booted up the computer again but couldn't get the net. Went downstairs and found everything working but the server, which was fried... So had to go back to bed with no positive update and a little peeved. But today I felt good and did my ride to Ringwood and ended up haveing a really great day with friends and family. So there!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Blogger Distress
Saturday, April 22, 2006
She Depictions
Before updating the blurb I was questioned about including the 'titts' picture and not contextualizing what the blog is about....(That one is 'Joy', Fred... but maybe I should have included the word 'Boner' just for you...)
But isn't that the point of Art, to wonder and ask: Does it provoke anything for you ?
Evolvement 1: Title and Pictures
Evolvement 2: Blurb added
Evolvement 3: Censorship added
Evolvement 4: Blurb Updated and Censorship removed. (It's Art!)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Mind Doodle - Uninterupted
Friday, April 14, 2006
Pacing around and shaking my head
I have long found a mirthful amusement in Jesse Duplantis Ministries. An American TV Evangelist completely engaged in prosperity focused teaching... ie: Bless him with wealth and God will bless you with wealth....
Well he has re-done his website and this is what stopped me in my tracks: (In reference to the benifits of becoming a financial partner/contributor to his ministry...)
"Preferred Seating – Partners have a special section in every JDM-hosted event –– such as our special Friday Night events in key cities around the US or meetings held at our JDM International Headquarters! Preferred seating is based on availability."
Well... I can just imagine Jesus almost ready to preach to the crowds. His disciples have roped off the front area and he gives them a little more time to wander among the people and shake their money bags; sprooking "front seats, just 15 danari..." Some disciples chat lightheartedly with the wealthy as they are guided to their 'preferred' seats, and others glare menacingly at anyone else that gets too close...
This is Christianity EVERTED.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Blood In The Sand
So beautiful, tender, sweet
I reached out for her and folded her up in my arms
She smiled at me, embraced me and watered my thirst, my soul, me
At my lowest she supported, at my highest she rejoyced, alongside
Together we wept, walked and loved
She taught me more more about myself, herself, ourself
and I strove to offer back, a candy for the banquet
I thought we would be together forever
then without notice or recourse, seperation.
Time apart, gnawing, drawing, expectant
After, I returned and found her crouched and afraid
She grabbed my arm, fingernails biting
Her sharpened teeth pressed deep into the flesh of my bosom
I whispered sweetly in her ear but her eyes were cold, still
A heart? a need?
Just a desire to feed...
Our love seemed lost, or abandoned, or?
I recoiled and stumbled
Unsure of where to step next
Should I sacrifice myself to her pain
Lay my all on this alter of hope
A seed in the ash
And yet, in the distance
Another lover beckons.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Easter Passion
When Simon of Cyrene helped bear the weight of the cross with Jesus, stepping forward together in suffering. I thought what a wonderful privilege.
I was reminded of a time back in early high school when I was ridiculed for my open Christianity. Two life long friends transferred in from another school and made new friends, with the boys that despised me the most. I tried to make friends with them all but for my buddys it soon became a choice of me or them and I was not the winner. One morning I went to chat with them and was told by the group to go away and don't ever come back. I wasn't going to give up my friendships that easily and hung around trying to be nice. Then one of the boys found an old pair of underpants lying on the ground, picked them up with a stick and dropped them on my head. Immeadiately I felt like Jesus with his crown of thorns while they all jumped around laughing. So I stood there and made no move to dislodge the offence. Soon one of my 'buddys' flicked the undies off my head but the others were incensed that I had still not got the message to 'nick off'. So another of the boys got out some matches, lit them and threw them onto my head. My hair caught fire and started to flame up. Again I was unmoved, unwilling to let the emotional and physical impact overcome my Christian resolve. So I imagined the fire on my head was like when the apostles were baptised with fire on their heads at Pentecost. As the flames spread out the 'buddy' again came over, with his jumper, and put it out. Then the bell rang and we all dispersed off to our classes.
There is something special? or connecting? about suffering in partnership with God. For Simon I'm sure it would have had an amazing impact on his life, that he may not have realized untill much later, just what a privilege he had to share a moment with Jesus in his struggle.
Our sin is the reason Jesus suffered. I felt this most as the nails were being hammered into Jesus's hands.
I was reminded of a time when I placed my life in Gods hands, largly due to a recurring vision I had been having all day. I kept seeing myself as the one who was hammering the nails into Jesus's hands, over and over. A powerful conviction of my own sin as being responsible for the death of christ. The weight of that realisation being a burdon almost to difficult to bear.
We all sin, we're all responsible, we've all hammered the nails... we've all been set free.
It's a privilege to be a Christian, when so many others aren't, to be freed from sin by Christ's sacrifice on the cross. The images tonight served to draw me back closer to the centre of my Christianity. The centre of Easter.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Winter Day
Someday you will read this blog (I'll explain what a blog is to you in a few years...) and smile.
Smile then because it is your birthday, and therefore it is a happy day!
Joy, Joy la lalla la la laaa.....
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Auto Voyeur
It's dark, cold and raining... and it will take another hour for my washing to dry in the tumbler. So I went for a walk to see what things people leave in the back of their cars:
Tape Measure
Guitar Case
Iron Gate
Pink Teddy Bear
Miniature Antique Pram
Mixed Nuts
Roll Of Foam
Pots Of Dirt
Animal Cage
Tennis Racquet
Fishing Rod
Huge Green Ball
Golf Clubs
One car, with an alarm, didn't like me.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Kangaroos Are Not Cuddly.
I thought about the Aussi mascot 'Boxing Kangaroo soft toy' and that real kangaroos have bitey teeth, scrawny scratchy arms, kicking legs, a tail that whacks you and they probably smell very bad. While it is made into a soft toy for children to cuddle in bed at night, it should feel wrong somehow, but does not... So I have thought of other things that if they were made into soft toys, they would actually invoke some strange feeling of wrongness.
Imagine cuddling up to these 'soft toy' items at night:
Butcher's Knife
Atomic Bomb
Adolf Hitler Doll
Severed Head
Wall Powerpoint Socket
Lung Cancer
Dead Cat
Grim Reaper
A Fist giving 'the finger'
The Cat In The Hat.
I wondered what other 'similar' titles I could think up that might make interesting children stories...
The Pea in the Sea
The Frog in the Log
The Bear in the Chair
And for adults only:
The Asshole in the Castle
The Man in the Van
The Sump in the Rump (copyright Royal Australian Navy)
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I was standing in space and a green dragon flew by and said "Everything is yellow."
And I said "But you're green?"
Again the dragon said "Everything is yellow."
Then I understood, and cried.
Everything is under God's throne. It doesn't matter what it is, how we perceive it, or our struggle to understand it. There is nothing that is not subject to the Lord's will and purpose. I had understood that as a concept, but now I understood it as a divine truth. More than that, I accepted it. My recent questioning and over analysis had demonstrated a lack of faith. I need to rest peacefully in his will and purpose. In him.
Friday, March 17, 2006
The definition does not seem to adequately encompass the defined.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Wakeing Up
This sign was in the foyer of the Commonwealth Bank. I wondered if they really were concerned about us hurting ourselves. Could the corporate persona embody other virtues like mercy, justice, faithfullness and generosity...?
I imagined this is what the truth of the sign might be...
Kudos my friend. When the state aligns itself to the view of the discontented minority, some of that minority re-margonalize themselves back against the state, regardless of compromising their own personal moralistic centers. So yes, Fuck Solar.
The gates to the oldest Catholic church in Victoria. If I was designing a church I would try and model it on Heaven. Did the 'church' do the same here? Imagine if you died and went to Heaven, turned up at these gates... No parking, multiple locks, cold dark spikes, and no one to greet you.
How fitting, the corporate high rise towering behind the church. The intergration of church and corperation, from past to present revealed. The very problem of the modern church that needs to be deconstructed.
At Coles I find this stand that asks you to avoid useing plastic bags by buying these... 'cough' plastic bags. It's not the simple plastic irony that interests me here. Coles makes me angry that they are trying to look like a good corporate citizen by asking us to reform our attitude, when if they really shared the same enviromental concern they are projecting, they could make the decision to stop using/giving away the plastic bags themselves. Would it cripple their business
to do so? I dont think they would miss a step.
A series of lights, built into the curb stones, mark the way down the street. I thought about how everyone wishes for life to be like this, straightforward waypoints to guide you into the future... and yet those blessed to walk this path lament their sensed loss of freedom and struggle for diversity and escape. I love this sort of irony, I eat it up, yum yum. If Irony was a woman we would have the best and worst sex.
Ahh... In a world flooded by mobile phones, these fixed line booths are both in use and have another person waiting... Eco Paul would be pleased.
I don't watch the news much but when I found myself here I immeadiatly felt like I should be sourounded by hundreds of people shouting, media crews pushing and shoving, and suited men with sunglasses and ear pieces pushing me back. It was quiet, empty and still. Only a lonely solitary camera watched me from the side. Was it even on?
I lie down in this park like a homeless person for ten minutes... no one comes to clean me up and take me away... this is the time of the CommonWealth Games is it not? Something must be wrong... perhaps this world is out of focus.
Money, money, money... I visualize the ATMs exploding... nothing happens.